in small stages

[网络] 在小阶段



  1. The results revealed that most subjects were in the precontemplation and preparation stages, and a relatively small percentage of students were in the action and maintenance stages.
  2. In summary, mRNAs for IGF-I, IGF-I receptor, and FSH receptor were coordinately expressed in preantral and small antral follicles, which may be important in early stages of follicular development.
  3. Internal medical approaches in management of patients with non small cell lung cancer at end stages
  4. According to the morphology of the nucleus and the characters of cell organelle in the cytoplasm, large granule cell and small granule cell are considered the same type cell in different developmental stages, however, special granule cell is early haemocytes of them.
  5. The etched-out structures in the liquid-solid zone of a small unidirectionally solidified specimen of the compacted graphite iron has been examined under metallographic and scanning electron microscopes to reveal the modes of growth of the compacted graphite at different stages of solidification.
  6. [ Methods] Retrospective method was applied to observe the distribution features of HAPI in various small opacity and pneumoconiosis stages.
  7. In the course of regional development, the governmental regulate and control, economic development, factor flow, environmental conditions and etc. could drive the small town construction and also play a different role for different stages of the small town development.
  8. In the process of development, small towns have been affected by industry development, natural conditions, infrastructure, location conditions, community development, government regulation, and many other factors and it has created many different stages of development and characteristic of small towns.
  9. Large state-owned enterprises had experienced great development in globalization, whereas the small and medium-sized private enterprises are still in the early stages of development.